
Kyoko Fox Vrchat 3.0 PC+QUEST with gogoloco

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Kyoko Fox Vrchat 3.0 PC+QUEST with gogoloco

428 ratings

🦊 It's Kitsune time! 🦊

4 avatars included ! A casual wear version, a samurai version, a kimono version, and a good rank! All included for only $35 ^^

5 completed texture sets are already included, but If you join the discord I'm currently working on more textures for her that will be done in the next few days! ^^ The textures will be available for FREE in the discord to those with the verified Kyoko role! :) I also have some other artists working on more textures to share for free in the discord too!! Soon!!

Discord Server

Each avatar has unique outfit, accessory and interactions! Separated and masked substance painter files for the body and tails are included. All avatars have gogoloco!

❤️ Main Fox Casual Version❤️

  • Hair options, Clip back bun, and long straightened hair
  • Super cool moving iris eye type and hypno eyes toggle!
  • Headpat likes system with headpat counter! Super cute and fun to play with :)
  • Headpat interaction where ears lower when pet
  • Dynamics, nose dynamics, and many more dynamics! Realistic body movement on many areas! The stomach is also rigged for movement if you wanted to add a phys bone for tummy jiggle too!
  • Accessory + Extra Toggles
    - Body harness and straps
    - Ear tag status system (With 10 status states and customizeable psd to include your own statuses if you'd like!)
    - Aviator glasses that can be grabbed and posed on your head
    - Facial Piercings
    - Body piercings
    - Multiple tail option (PC)
    - Multi tail animations (Wag, Curl Tail, Tail Snuggle modes, Tail Idle Piano Tips, Tail Flow, Tail Aggressive stance)
    - Mouth Lollypop
    - Claws/Nails
    - Fangs
    - Face fluffs
    - Blep tongue with dynamics you can pull/pose/stretch
  • Clothing Toggles
    - Shorts
    - Crop Hoodie
    - Open Zip Sweater
    - Chain bottom
    - Skinny Low-rise Jeans
    -Chain strap flame swimsuit/bodysuit
    - Heart Top
    - Crossband peep top
  • Customization Toggles and Sliders
    - Nearly every clothing item has a hue slider
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets (4 normal types, two dynamic movement (animated iris and hypnoeyes))
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair Hue
    - Hair emission brightness
    - Body emission brightness (with pattern)
    - Body emission hue
    - Chest broadness
  • Full Raliv set up

🔥Samurai Fox Version🔥

  • Crow companion pet that you can have fly to your arm! Reacts to petting by you and friends, and gets angry if you pull at them! Super fun to play with and pet!
  • Hair options, spikey ponytail with two bang options, split bangs or wispy bangs.
  • Super cool moving iris eye type and hypno eyes toggle!
  • Headpat interaction where ears lower when pet
  • Dynamics, nose dynamics, and many more dynamics! Realistic body movement on many areas! The stomach is also rigged for movement if you wanted to add a phys bone for tummy jiggle too!
  • Accessory + Extra Toggles
    - Plate fur neckpiece
    - Oni horns
    - Oni mask with dynamic earrings
    - Flame eyes particle system
    - Samurai Bracers
    - Multiple tail option (PC)
    - Multi tail animations (Wag, Curl Tail, Tail Snuggle modes, Tail Idle Piano Tips, Tail Flow, Tail Aggressive stance)
    - Shadow Scarf with dynamics
    - Claws/Nails
    - Fangs
    - Face fluffs
    - Blep tongue with dynamics you can pull/pose/stretch
    - Mesh stockings and armwarmwarmers
  • Clothing Toggles
    - Bikini Top
    - Ninja Bodysuit
    - Plate
    - Bikini bottoms
    - Ninja Pants
  • Customization Toggles and Sliders
    - Nearly every clothing item has a hue slider
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets (4 normal types, two dynamic movement (animated iris and hypnoeyes))
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair Hue
    - Hair emission brightness
    - Body emission brightness (with pattern)
    - Body emission hue
    - Chest broadness
  • Full Raliv set up

🌸 Kimono Fox Version 🌸

  • Sakura petals particles which can be set to leave a trail behind you, or on the dancing fans to spawn around you as you move them :) (Movement based spawning)
  • Bell collar with interactable bell jingle when you touch it!
  • Hair options, 2 rear options ( ornate long, or short bob) and 2 bang types (split bang and blunt bangs)
  • Super cool moving iris eye type and hypno eyes toggle!
  • Headpat interaction where ears lower when pet
  • Body dynamics, nose dynamics, and many more dynamics! Realistic body movement on many areas! The stomach is also rigged for movement if you wanted to add a phys bone for tummy jiggle too!
  • Accessory + Extra Toggles
    - Bell collar with sound
    - Obi sash with dynamic movement
    - Sakura Fans (with or without sakura petals particles)
    - Sakura petal trail
  • Clothing Toggles
    - Bikini Top
    - Kimono bodice with dynamic front skirt
    - Kimono sleeves with dynamic sleeve movement
    - Bikini
    - Mesh Stockings
  • Customization Toggles and Sliders
    - Nearly every clothing item has a hue slider
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets (4 normal types, two dynamic movement (animated iris and hypnoeyes))
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair Hue
    - Hair emission brightness
    - Body emission brightness (with pattern)
    - Body emission hue
  • Full Raliv set up
  • MMD blendshapes for fun dancing!

✅ Good Rank Fox Version✅

  • Accessory + Extra Toggles
    - Sporty Top and Shorts Outfit (non toggleable)
    - Finger Trail particle system for fun dancing or to play with at events where you need to be good rank! One on each index finger.
    - Headpat ears down contact
    - Fangs
    - Tongue blep
  • Customization Toggles and Sliders
    - Top hue slider
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets (4 normal types, two dynamic movement (animated iris and hypnoeyes))
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair Hue
    - Hair emission brightness
    - Body emission brightness (with pattern)
    - Body emission hue
    - Chest broadness

    ALL AVATARS HAVE MMD BLENDSHAPES, BUT DUE TO WRITE DEFAULTS THEY ARE DISABLED ON THE SAMURAI AND MAIN VERSION. If the likes counter system, and crow pet system are removed the MMD blend shapes will resume functioning on those avatars too :)

    Some options are not available on the quest version, such as the dynamic plate skirt, multi tail options, crow pet, particle headpat system etc. Quest simply does not support these types of systems :( . Colour hue, emission radials and many other things are NOT SUPPORTED on the quest platform, and therefore will be absent.

    If you notice any clipping or issues with the avatar please dm (ideally with pics! ) me Foxipaws#0074 and i'll fix them asap :3

    • 1 - Create a new unity project (YOU MUST USE THE NEWEST CREATOR COMPANION SDK!) If you do not do this many features will not function!
    • 2 - Import poiyomis 7.3 and 8.1 pro combo pack
    • 3 - Import Raliv to use the Raliv Shader , if you do not want the extra features raliv provides you can skip this step, your extra feature shaders WILL turn white if you skip this step, you will need to re-assign them to fix this if you choose not to use DPS)
    • 4 - Import the unity package for your chosen avatar ^^

    • 1 - Create a new unity project, ensure it is set to the android platform
    • 2 - Import the QUEST unity package for your chosen avatar ^^


Do not redistribute, resell, share, upload for a friend or trade this package. Private use only. You may use free parts of this avatar for your own avatar if you credit the original creator. For paid parts you have to buy the license from the creator themselves or for nitro assets you have to boost their server. No public uploads.


Samurai Outfit : Raven Hollow
Bodysuit: Deimos
Jacket: Sezzy
TVF-PACC- Skuny#0087
Eyes and Lollipop: Sohvi
Spikey Hair: Miru
Soft Bangs: Aantara
Split Bangs, Long hair, clip hair, body pieces: Nessy
Elegant Hair : Saikura
Alphas: Maddiiee#7341
Eyes: Mowster, Virtual Vision, Neon#6653, Wetcat, Neon
Mask: tomtomas#7560
Collar: SnakeWokeAvatars
Scarf: Holoexe
Komono + Fans : Eggly69#6969
Bikini: Beanie
Piercings: Skulli#7154, Elfie#4882
Top: Akami#0066
Jeans: Zinpia
Gogoloco by franada gogoloco
Additional setup : Fluff
Rope : Peachu (Edited by me!)
Crow Pet : Sicknesst_
Counter System: Kiwa
Particles: The RPG Slayer
Body: sugs#9795, foxipaws, Misty , riceballer, elizavr,paanda, Wolfs Den 3DSkuny0087, Astrafluff NO REUSE AT ALL !!!! Saikura ,
Icons: Just Erindale
Shorts: KOLD.#7777
Bikini, cross body top: Nauuiki
: Zeit#9150
Bell Collar: SnakeWokeAvatars

** If I missed any credits please let me know and I'll add them right away! Thanks so much <3

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