
Pepper Possum Mouse Hybrid Furry Vrchat 3.0 (PC + QUEST)

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Pepper Possum Mouse Hybrid Furry Vrchat 3.0 (PC + QUEST)

202 ratings

🐁 Pepper the Possum / Mouse hybrid has arrived! 🐁

This avatar bundle comes with a fall cozy/sleepy wear version, an alternate wear version, a cute version and a good rank! + Face tracking versions!

Community interaction, FREE extras, and avatar support always available in the discord server! Come join and hang out, and show everyone your edits/pics from in game if you'd like :)

Discord Server

Gogoloco pre-installed on both main Quest and PC packages .^^ These avatars are also designed with functional mmd shapes! :D

πŸ‚ Casual Fall Version πŸ‚

  • Falling leaves toggle (relaxing gentle particles!)
  • Cute head hampter that wakes up when touched :3
  • Clothing toggles
    - Jeans
    - Leggings / tights
    - Overalls
    - Bikini Bottom
    - Shorts
    - Skirt
    - Bandeau
    - Cardigan
    - Coat
    - Robe
    - Sweater
    - Tank
    - Tee
  • Accessory/Extra Toggles
    - Rings
    - Socks
    - Purr animations
    - Foot spread system
    - Nose squish animation
    - Earrings
    - Necklace
    - Rings
    - Legwarmers
    - Beanie
    - Scarf
    - Gloves
    - Sleep bubble
    - Sleep mask
    - Slippers
  • Body toggles
    - Rear hair types (Bun, Spiked, Long)
    - Bang types (Clipped up, Side scene, Middle front)
    - Chest radial
    - Foot control system
    - Slanted/Round ear type
    - Leg/Rear tail
    - Cheek fluffs
    - Whiskers
    - Claws
    - Tail wag
  • Hue Toggles
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair hue and emission brightness
    - Body emission hue and brightness
    - Split dye radial
    - Hair streaks
    - Clothing Hue
    - Gem hue

    πŸ’— Cute Version πŸ’—
    • Dancing hand ribbons
    • Cute cellphone and tama accessories
    • Clothing toggles
      - Leggings
      - Tights
      - Shorts
      - Skirt
      - Bow bikini
      - Cardigan
      - Heart top
      - Lace top
      - Shirt
    • Accessory/Extra Toggles
      - Nose metal
      - Rings
      - Socks
      - Purr animations
      - Foot spread system
      - Nose squish animation
      - Earrings
      - Necklace
      - Rings
      - Legwarmers
      - Arm warmers
      - Bottom heart straps
      - Top heart straps
      - Bracelets
      - Cellphone thigh strap
      - Mouse Buddy
      - Rings
      - Rollers
      - Ribbons
    • Body toggles
      - Rear hair types (Bun, Spiked, Long)
      - Bang types (Clipped up, Side scene, Middle front)
      - Chest radial
      - Foot control system
      - Slanted/Round ear type
      - Leg/Rear tail
      - Cheek fluffs
      - Whiskers
      - Claws
      - Tail wag
    • Hue Toggles
      - Body glitter slider
      - Alternate eye sets
      - Eye Hue
      - Hair hue and emission brightness
      - Body emission hue and brightness
      - Split dye radial
      - Hair streaks
      - Clothing Hues
      - Gem hue
    πŸ–€ Alternate Version πŸ–€
    • Status tag radial!
    • Jiggly head pancakes
    • Clothing toggles
      - Leggings/Tights
      - Bikini bottom
      - Shorts
      - Sweatpants
      - Banded Top
      - Bikini top
      - Dress
      - Wrap top
      - Zip Up
    • Accessory/Extra Toggles
      - Dermal Uppers
      - Dermal Lowers
      - Belly Ring
      - Nose metal
      - Purr animations
      - Foot spread system
      - Nose squish animation
      - Earrings
      - Necklace
      - Rings
      - Apron
      - Armnets
      - Necklace/Colar
      - Leg pompom
      - Legwarmers
      - Pancake head
      - Stockings/Socks
    • Body toggles
      - Rear hair types (Bun, Spiked, Long)
      - Bang types (Clipped up, Side scene, Middle front)
      - Chest radial
      - Foot control system
      - Slanted/Round ear type
      - Leg/Rear tail
      - Cheek fluffs
      - Whiskers
      - Claws
      - Tail wag
    • Hue Toggles
      - Body glitter slider
      - Alternate eye sets
      - Eye Hue
      - Hair hue and emission brightness
      - Body emission hue and brightness
      - Split dye radial
      - Hair streaks
      - Gem hue

βœ… Good Rank Version βœ…

  • Status system ear tag
  • Sunglasses you can pose!
  • Clothing toggles
    - bodysuit
    - shorts
    - crop hoodie
  • Body toggles
    - Chest radial
    - Foot control system
    - Slanted/Round ear type
    - Cheek fluffs
    - Whiskers
    - Claws
    - Tail wag
  • Hue Toggles
    - Body glitter slider
    - Alternate eye sets
    - Eye Hue
    - Hair hue and emission brightness
    - Body emission hue and brightness
    - Split dye radial
    - Hair streaks
    - Gem hue


    For face tracking to fit on the avatar all hue shifts and gogo loco had to be removed. :) The main PC versions without face tracking have all features. The body pillow on the cozy version also was unable to function with face tracking BUT it is available in the discord if you'd like to put it on yourself ^^

    All Accessories and many base hue options are not available on the quest version, such as hue shifts, stockings, garter, collar etc. (they are there (disabled though!) if you'd like to swap between items in unity prior to upload though!) Quest just doesnt have enough room to include everything at once. . Colour hue, emission radials and many other things are NOT SUPPORTED on the quest platform, and therefore will be non-functional. All items exist on quest but I disabled select items, you are more than welcome to re-enable to items and swap around to find the best quest fit for you before upload! (Requires some knowledge of unity) :3 Join the discord and open a support thread if you want to play with these things and need help !

    If you notice any clipping or issues with the avatar please dm (ideally with pics! ) me Foxipawz on discord and i'll fix them asap :3


Do not redistribute, resell, share, upload for a friend or trade this package. Private use only. You may use free parts of this avatar for your own avatar if you credit the original creator. For paid parts you have to buy the license from the creator themselves or for nitro assets you have to boost their server. No public uploads. No sharing these files to other websites, you agree you are 18+ years of age if purchasing my products. By checking the agree to TOS box, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms.


Body Pillow artwork done by Yohma! https://yohma.carrd.co/

Apron: https://cuupidon.gumroad.com/

Banded top + bodysuit : https://wen3d.com/

Shorts+Hoodie:: https://pursu.gumroad.com/

Horns: https://vinuzhka.gumroad.com/

Bangs/Hair: https://minkivr.com/

Earring set: :https://holoexe.gumroad.com/

Bikini bow top and bottom: https://saikura.gumroad.com/

Bikini set: aantara.sellfy.store

Sleep mask: https://pursu.gumroad.com/

Bikini set: https://beaniebaby.sellfy.store/

Bow: https://apyr.gumroad.com/

Cardigan, Skirt set:https://payhip.com/LoloVRChat

Choker: https://venven.gumroad.com/

Dual System: https://liindy.gumroad.com/

Cuorset: https://payhip.com/TheTaintedVeil

Denim Shorts:https://devilmk.gumroad.com/

Donut: https://blxxd.gumroad.com/

Dress: https://jinxxy.com/CompelledInk/products/RippedDressbyInk

Hairs + Shorts: https://nessy.store/

Hoodie: https://ssukiii.gumroad.com/

Jeans: https://zinpia.sellfy.store/zinpia-shop/ Legwarmers 1: https://mamachidesigns.gumroad.com/

Kitty/Skate parts: https://payhip.com/FoolyStuffz

Legpom: https://sockembopem.gumroad.com/

Little kitty toy: https://gmsbox.gumroad.com/

Necklace: https://beaniebaby.sellfy.store/p/soren-jewelry-set/ Straps,

Onesie: https://ssukiii.gumroad.com/


Rings: https://sockembopem.gumroad.com/

Robe: https://swisa.gumroad.com/

Shirt: https://payhip.com/Charmedyy

Slippers: https://holoexe.gumroad.com/

Sweater: https://jinxxy.com/Sezzy/products/HEnIo

Wrap top: https://beaniebaby.sellfy.store/p/wrap-top/

Many items were made by myself, leggings, mittens, beanie, socks, etc etc. :3

Body: Avatar extra bits/wings: (Some may not be applicable but check them out anyway!) :

If I missed any credits please let me know and I will add them right away ^^

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